13 MAY 2013 by ideonexus

 Look for the Improbable in Extraterrestrial Life

To land a spacecraft on Europa, with the heavy equipment needed to penetrate the ice and explore the ocean directly, would be a formidable undertaking. A direct search for life in Europa's ocean would today be prohibitively expensive. But just as asteroid and comet impacts on Mars have given us an easier way to look for evidence of life on that planet, impacts on Europa give us an easier way to look for evidence of life there. Every time a major impact occurs on Europa, a vast quantity of wat...
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We should look for freeze-dried live ejected from impacts with Europa rather than trying to send probes into the ice.

14 APR 2012 by ideonexus

 The Journey of a Fossil

One hundred million years ago, an ammonoid lived in the sea that then separated India from Asia. It died and fell into limy sediments on the seafloor. These sediments grew deeper and hardened into rock. The shell calcified, becoming part of the rock, though maintaining every detail of its structure. India was on the move, drifting on a slab of the Earth's mobile crust toward Asia. The floor of the intervening sea was forced under the Asian continent, back into the hot interior of the planet. ...
Folksonomies: wonder fossile
Folksonomies: wonder fossile
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Chet Raymo describes the epic journey of a fossil from the bottom of the ocean to the top of a mountain.